Warm day, Check!
Cool breeze, Check!
Glistening pool, Check!
Sun hat & sunnies, Check!
Beach wear, Check!
Frozen Chocolate Fudgsicle, Triple Check Check Check!
Since when did Spring bring such extreme heat with it? Make the most of a heated days ahead by cooling down with a simple & nutritious homemade probiotic rich chocolate ice block! Unlike traditional & commercialised ice blocks, these stunners contain no high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavours, colours and other unpronounceable ingredients.
In a blender combine & blend on high speed:
1 tin (approx 400ml) of coconut cream
1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup
1/4 cup raw cacao powder (Depends on how chocolately you like it)
2 heaped tablespoons 100% raw almond butter
1 ripe banana
1 tsp. 100% pure vanilla extract or the seeds from 1 vanilla bean
1 tsp of your choice of Nuferms Probiotic Food (I use the Organic Woman but feel free to use any blend, Probiotic Foods for Kids would be an excellent choice for the little ones)
Pour into ice block containers and freeze until solid & ENJOY!!!
Nutritionally Yours,