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Coconut yoghurt has certainly been making the rounds through health food stores and local supermarkets. More and more people are becoming increasingly dairy intolerant or allergic that consumers are needing alternatives and coconut yoghurt is just as if not more delicious than its regular yoghurt counterpart. You can even make your own coconut yoghurt which not only saves you a small fortune but don’t contain any nasty preservatives and additives. Better yet, add a little chocolatey goodness to make it an ultimate dream!

Cultured yoghurts are a great way to introduce probiotics into your body if you are just starting on fermented foods. Probiotics help to balance the microflora in the intestines essentially improving your levels of good and reducing the levels of bad bacteria in order to create an optimal functioning digestive tract.   Fermented foods are an absolute god when it comes to loading your gut with good bacteria and assisting with an optimal functioning body. Traditionally, coconut has been used for centuries to combat common ailments from healing burns, reducing the severity of colds and flu, dampening inflammation, protecting the skin against sun damage, assisting with weight loss to eradicating fungi and yeast infections. Its high fat content will keep you feeling fuller for longer and its dairy free component will help to eliminate excess gas and bloating. For this dreamy cacao yoghurt you will need:

1 tin coconut cream
2 flat tbsp sifted raw cacao powder
2 tbsp 100% pure maple syrup
1 heaped tsp of your favourite Nuferm probiotic blend
Juice of half a fresh lemon

Place your can of coconut cream in the fridge overnight. When your ready to use simply shake the can well before opening. Choose a jar slightly bigger than the can and pour in the contents of coconut cream. Stir in remainder of ingredients making sure they are combined well. Cover jar and leave on bench for 5 days at room temperature until thickened then refrigerate overnight. Refrigeration drastically slows down the fermentation process.  Once mixture is very cold pour into a bowl and whip on a high speed using a high speed mixer. Texture will be smooth and fluffy! Stores well in the fridge for up to 10 days.

Nutritionally Yours,


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