Cutting down on sugar by eliminating breads, pasta, cereals, grains and by increasing our intake of alkaline foods, specifically leafy green vegetables.
Lemon water is also a great way to increase alkalinity within the body.
Each morning after waking and before drinking that first glass of water, try ingesting the juice of 1 lemon, freshly squeezed into a glass of warm water – straight down the hatch.
When it comes to restoring the PH balance of the G.I, the key is changing the ecosystem so that the overgrowth can no longer thrive. Once the environment has been taken care of – we can then look to re-population; with the GOOD GUYS!!
To gain some immediate relief from the symptoms of intestinal yeast infection, you could consider a Candida Cleanse. Combating the albican overgrowth and reducing symptoms over a 3-5 day cleanse-Β involves the following.. .
step One – Eliminating meat, dairy, gluten & grains, fruit & starchy vegetables.
step two – Eating plenty of non-starchy vegetables, healthy oils and non glutinous grains.
step three – Drinking 10-12 glasses of water each day.Β
Following a Candida diet over a prolonged period of time, more then 3-5 days –Β can easeΒ ongoing symptoms relative to candida overgrowth and promote die off.
WHO? are these good guys and where do we find them? Let me give you the low down… PROBIOTICS!! my dear friends, PRO – biotics!!Β (For Life!!)
These essential bacteria make up our Defence Force, with ranking officers LactoBacillus, Bifidabacterium & Saccharomyces and their dedicated army of beneficial soldiers ensuring the utmost precision when it comes to bodily function co-ops. Fighting disease, maintaining digestive balance, regulating hormones and libido,regulating bowel manufacturing essential minerals.
ing bowel manufacturing essential minerals.