The dark purple acai berries are grown on the acai palms in the Amazon. The super berries are packed with antioxidants, amino acids, fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals making it a near perfect energising fruit.
Additional ingredients can include almost anything—whatever your favourite breakfast foods are! You could use granola, oatmeal, bananas, strawberries and other fruits. And it’s even easier than you think! The taste of the acai is very fresh and it boosts your regular breakfast to a healthier level!
Ingredients + Method
- 250ml rice milk or coconut yogurt
- 1 scoop acai powder
- 1 scoop soaked oatmeal
- 2 tbs pomegranate seeds
- fresh mixed berries or other fruit—brightly coloured berries contain high amounts of antioxidants which are anti-inflammatory
- Top with a sprinkle of your favourite probiotic blend